Internal Exchange
If you would like to exchange your week for another at your own resort this is possible for a small administration fee which is charged per transaction.
This means that if you exchange more than one consecutive week at the same time, you still pay just one administration fee.
The internal exchange must be within the same year. It can be requested at least 8 weeks before the start date of your week, is subject to availability and the payment is only taken when the exchange has been confirmed.
To make an internal exchange request, contact Resort Solutions Limited on 01858 431160 or email or complete the adjacent exchange request form.
Permanent exchange
Through Resort Solutions Limited you are now able to permanently exchange your week at your resort for another at the same resort.
So, if you own week 10 and would like to holiday every year in week 39, this is now possible.
You can also permanently change the type of apartment you own allowing you to down- or up-size according to your needs.
The price for permanent exchange depends on the difference in the price for the week or apartment and there’s a small fee, from just £90, to cover the administration costs involved with transferring ownership.
Permanent exchange is subject to availability.
To make a permanent exchange request, contact Resort Solutions Limited on 01858 431160 or complete the contact form to the left.
External exchange
The concept of timeshare exchange was developed over four decades ago to enhance the overall ownership experience. By allowing owners to swap time at their home resort for a stay at a different affiliated property, a whole new world of holiday opportunities became instantly available.
Today, timeshare exchange is available to thousands of resorts in over 100 countries worldwide – and continues to be one of the main reasons cited by owners when purchasing timeshare.
All Resort Solutions Limited managed resorts (apart from the Lakelands) are affiliated to RCI and owners at these resorts can become RCI members. The Lakelands is affiliated to Interval International. Owners at The Lakelands may enrol as members of the Interval Exchange Programme. All owners can enrol and use 7Across to exchange their weeks.